Sea Breeze - on Golden Age - here's some additional info for you.
Political Significance of the Golden Age The political interpretation given the Golden Age by Virgil, who situated it in the future, resurfaced in subsequent eras of revolutionary change. The Protestant Queen Elizabeth I of England was frequently hailed by her supporters as the virgin goddess Astraea, and the famous lines of Virgil's fourth Eclogue quoted above are supposed to be the source of the motto Novus ordo seclorum (New Order of the Ages) that appears on the Great Seal of the United States. The British poet Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792–1822) hailed the promise of the romantic and revolutionary era with these lines, which foretell the dissolution of empires and the advent of a new religion, superior even to Christianity.
Higher Order Masonry in Russia subordinated to Grand Lodge Astrea, Astrea was the Goddess of Justice who had been the last to leave the earth after the Golden Age. New masonic hymns inspired by the Holy Alliance spoke of restoring the golden age when love illuminated all with beauty and men lived in brotherhood.
1924 Golden Age (magazine) says Pyramid was first Bible - The article was revised and republished in the December 31 issue with the byline, by W.E. Van Amburgh. This article asserts that the Great Pyramid at Giza was "Bible number one," and presents proofs FROM THE PYRAMID for Watchtower expectations, speculations and predictions for the dates 1789, 1874, 1914, 1925 and 1926. The publisher of The Golden Age magazine was the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, of which organization W.E. Van Amburgh was the Secretary-Treasurer for 43 years.